Modular, adaptable and expandable, the one-of-a-kind EZ Port MAX System is perfect for multiple PWCs and tight slip spaces.
There is no winching, cranking, pumping or hoisting necessary. Foot space on both sides and the front to allow access and stability. It is so simple to use that even beginner PWC operators will find boarding and launching a breeze. The Self-floating EZ Port moves with changing water levels and helps protect watercraft from damage caused by wind or waves.
- Exceptional stability on water
- Safe, slip-resistant surface
- Low or no maintenance
- Protects PWC from wind and waves
- Easy on, easy off rollers
- Safety bulkhead and cleat
- Easy installation
- Attaches to existing dock
Length - 3.7m / section
Width - 1.5m
Depth - 0.38m
Weight - 121kg
Flotation Capacity - 635kg
EZ Port installation requires just a few tools and very little time. Dealer assistance is available if needed. Due to manufacturing tolerances actual weights and dimensions may vary.
EZ Port is the easiest drive-on, push-off method of dry-docking a PWC of any shape or size – just idle up, ease into the throttle and roll aboard.
The EZ Port Max entry section is the base unit for all EZ Port Max installations. It can be used with any bow section option for a single port lift or in combination with an EZ Port Max System, EZ Stop Full Deck Bow Section and an EZ Stop Small Bow Section for an in-line two port lift.